1. Where is the DR Missions Trip being held? We will be primarily in the district/town of Mao. We anticipate having activities in 4 towns: Mao, Cruce de Guayacanes, Esperanza and David/El Puente.
  2. What types of activities will we be doing? Vacation bible school, medical screening clinic, sports ministry, construction and new to this year there will be Physical therapy and an endocrinologist from Cooper Hospital to the clinic. We are also partnering with a surgical oncology team from Cooper Hospital who will be doing procedures in the regional hospital in Mao!!! For those that are interested, we will have opportunities to pray and share the Gospel in the communities that we are in. This activity is completely voluntary. We encourage you to explore the various activities and we ask that you be flexible during the trip. For example, if we have 300 kids show up for VBS, you may be asked to help out (if you are not on a dedicated team like Surgery, Clinic, etc.).
  3. What is the cost of the trip? The trip is expected to cost $1400. This includes airfare, transportation to and from the airport, breakfast, lunch and dinner in DR, lodging and a fun day (last year we went to the beach) on the Saturday before we return to the USA.
  4. When is the trip money due? We will need your funds to pay for airfare ticket deposit, the full airfare, lodging, transportation, meals,  etc. An initial $50 to reserve your flight is due by January 26th, this is nonrefundable. $300 in February, $300 in March, $300 in April, $300 in May and the final $150 by June 12. More information is available here.
  5. Do I need a passport? YES. You need a valid passport. It should not expire until after September of 2019.
  6. How much money should I bring? We recommend that you bring about $20 -$50 so you can purchase snacks and food at the airport while we are traveling to and from the mission field. We will also visit a supermarket where you can pickup snacks during the week. Some people enjoy purchasing souvenirs during the trip and we will do our best to accommodate that.
  7. What if I have a food allergy? If you have a food allergy you must communicate this when you complete your registration. Make sure the medical team (led by Evelyn Robles-Rodriguez) is aware of your allergy. We will communicate with the team handling meals to provide safe meals.
  8. What should I pack for the trip? Take a look at our mission packing list. Note: for this trip we will be staying at a hotel so ignore the air mattress section of the packing list.
  9. What if I have a question about the trip? Contact Alex Rodriguez at alex@culturemissions.org.